Shane, nikki, & the cutest little boys
I've always wondered what it's like to be a boy mom. Growing up I feel like there's always been girls surrounding me and in the mix. Even now, I have two's an all girl world! I had a nice little glimpse of what that life looks like with Nikki. Boys are wild y'all!! haha Even in the midst of their running around and doing what boys do, they were so sweet and gave mom and dad the best hugs *heart melt*. You'll see those hugs in these photos and you may also see them trying to get away from those hugs! I hope you enjoy these photos and seeing Brantley's little cheesy smile!
When their session was over, Nikki told me "I wish they would just do one standing and smiling." I totally get that! Who doesn't want that photo?! I agreed with her but all the while I knew what I was seeing behind the camera. I knew she would love to see the hugs and kisses and laughter when I delivered her gallery to her and she did. I totally believe in those picture perfect shots but I also believe in the real life moments that I know you'll want to relive forever.